Creativity is when someone brings an idea about a thing or a solution to a problem, which has not been given by anyone before. Creative people have immense knowledge about something, have worked on it for a long time, and then produce creative solutions. In the business world, creativity is the most important quality for …
Family therapy and its benefits:
We all start our lives in a family. So the main topic of interest in this article is family therapy. Our lives and our personalities are very much affected by our families. Most families are composed of blood relations, parents, and siblings. First, we will describe the most common types of families: Nuclear family: The …
Facts About Psycho-Therapists:
A psychotherapist is a person who is trained in psychological methods to help people with mental health problems. Psychotherapists are commonly called therapists. These therapists have vast knowledge and expertise in their field. A therapist can be a psychologist, psychiatrist, marriage counselor, life coach, and social worker. They all have degrees in a variety of …
Couple’s therapy and its types:
There are many types of psychotherapies that are conducted in different forms. These forms include individual therapy, group therapy, and couple therapy. We will discuss the couple therapy here. Couple therapy is conducted on two people who are partners, either married or not. The primary aim of the therapy is to help out the couples …
Benefits of marital therapy:
Couple therapy is also known as marriage therapy, marital therapy, couple counseling, and marriage counseling. The target of the therapy is a couple of two partners. Marital therapy is the specialized form of group therapy where more than one client is treated. Who conducts marital therapy? This therapy is conducted by therapists or counselors who …
Benefits of family therapy
Family therapy oslo Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that involves families. Family therapy helps resolve issues within families such as stress, anger, or grief. It involves all types of families, couples, and close people who live together. Family therapy Oslo is led by a state-licensed family therapist, who uses different therapeutic interventions to …
7 måter å styrke viljestyrke
Vilje og Terapi Våre liv som mennesker dreier seg om visse livsmål og ambisjoner. For å nå disse målene må vi utnytte vår mentale kapasitet til det fulle. Imidlertid er det bare noen få som kan oppnå disse målene i livet, da andre ikke er i stand til å unngå fristelser eller distraksjoner. Så alt …
Kognitiv Terapi i Stavern
Kognitiv Terapi i StavernKognitiv Terapi, hva er det? Den kognitive terapien er formen for psykoterapi som hovedsakelig fokuserer på det faktum at defekte kognisjoner er årsaken til dårlig tilpasning og forstyrrede følelsesmessige reaksjoner. Kognitiv terapi ble utviklet av psykolog Aaron Beck i 1964. I følge Beck er problemet ikke situasjonen som avgjør hva folk vil føle, …
Hva er psykologisk velvære?
Terapi i StavernHva er psykologisk velvære?Psykologisk velvære kan forklares med fraværet av negativetanker og at man har mer positivitet i hodet.Psykologisk velvære handler om at livet føles bra. Det er blandingen avat du føler deg bra og fungerer på en bedre måte.Konsekvensen av psykologisk velvære kan være forbedret fysisk Helse.Andre aspekter ved psykologisk velvære inkluderer …