I denne artikkelen skal vi lære om empatisk kommunikasjon Mange av oss vet godt hva sympati er, men ordet empati kan være mindre kjent for noen, så vi skal først ta for oss hva forskjellen mellom sympati og empati er. Sympati vs empati Sympati betyr at du føler medlidenhet eller sorg når du er vitne …
Terapeut VS psykolog
Terapeuter og psykologer er to begreper i psykologi, men de fleste vet ikke at det er noen forskjeller mellom terapeuter og psykologer. Vi vil i denne artikkelen skrive om disse forskjellene og spesifikke rollene til både terapeuter og psykologer, men hovedfokuset vil være på terapeuten. Psykologer Psykologer har en mastergrad i psykologi. Noen har høyere …
Hva er psykologisk velvære?
tilfredshet med livet god sosial atferd Så vi kan konkludere fra teksten ovenfor at personer med psykisk velvære har en tendens til å være lykkeligere, energiske og mer fornøyd med livet. Mange andre typer undersøkelser har også vist at det å ikke lide noen nød ( f eks økonomisk) ikke nødvendigvis garanterer en persons mentale …
What is Psychological well being?
We can define psychological wellbeing as the absence of the negative thoughts and one has more positivity inside your mind. Psychological well-being is about lives going well. It is the mixture of feeling good and functioning in a better way. The consequence of psychological well being is improved physical health. Other aspects of psychological well …
What is Empathic Communication
In this article, we are going to learn about empathic communication. Many of us know about sympathy but the word Empathy might be new for some of you so for you let us first describe what is the difference between sympathy and empathy in easy words. Sympathy means that you have feelings of pity or …
Tips for having a healthy conversation
Conversations are the most important part of our daily lives. They are a part of our personal life, professional life, outdoors, indoors they are just everywhere. The conversation is the key by which you may win other’s heart and can also break their hearts or get more enemies by wrong communication styles, So if we …
Therapist V/S psychologist
Therapists and psychologists are two terms in psychology but most people don’t know that there are some differences among therapists and psychologists. We will cover these differences and specific roles of both therapists and psychologists but the main focus will be on the therapist Oslo. Psychologists: Psychologists have a master’s degree in Psychology. Some have …
How to be a family therapist?
We share a strong and special bonding with our family, as the family is the most beloved for everyone. No family is perfect though, there may come many ups and downs in our relationships with family members. The main component of the conflicts is miscommunication or lack of understanding. This leads to developing distance among …
How Speech Therapy Works?
Speech therapy is used for assessing and treating the problems related to communication and speech. It is performed by the special speech therapists who are known as speech-language pathologists. Most people believe that speech therapy is used for those children who have trouble in articulation or have stuttering issues but speech therapy handles many other …
Functions of sympathetic nervous system
There is a system of our nervous system which is based on all the actions of the body which are not in our body’s control but they are still performed by different organs of the body. This system is named an Autonomic Nervous System. The body functions which are controlled by this system include heartbeat, …